Statements Mean score (SD)
1 The app was easy to use. 6.7(0.7)
2 It was easy for me to learn to use the app. 6.7(0.8)
3 The navigation was consistent when moving between screens. 6.7(0.8)
4 The interface of the app allowed me to use all the functions (such as entering information, responding to reminders, viewing information) offered by the app. 6.5(1.0)
5 Whenever I made a mistake using the app, I could recover easily and quickly. 5.1(1.8)
Overall ease of use score 6.5(1.1)
6 I like the interface of the app. 6.3(1.0)
7 The information in the app was well organised, so I could easily find the information I needed. 6.5(0.9)
8 The app adequately acknowledged and provided information to let me know the progress of my action. 6.2(1.0)
9 I feel comfortable using this app in social settings. 6.8(0.5)
10 The amount of time involved in using this app has been fitting for me. * 6.9(0.3)
11 I would use this app again 6.5(0.8)
12 Overall, I am satisfied with this app. 6.4(0.8)
Overall Interface and satisfaction score 6.5(0.9)
13 The app would be useful for my healthcare practice. 6.3(0.9)
14 The app improved my access to delivering healthcare services. 6(1.0)
15 The app helped me manage my patients’ health effectively. 6.1(1.0)
16 This app has all the functions and capabilities I expected it to have. 6.3(1.0)
17 I could use the app even when the Internet connection was poor or not available. 5.6(1.6)
18 This mHealth app provides an acceptable way to deliver healthcare services, such as accessing educational materials, tracking my own activities, and performing self-assessment. 6(1.0)
Overall Usefulness score 6.1(1.1)